La búsqueda del santo grial de la ciencia por el reputado físico teórico Michio Kaku.
Cuando Newton formuló la ley de la gravedad, unificó las reglas que rigen los cielos y la Tierra. Hoy el mayor desafío de la física es encontrar una síntesis de las dos grandes teorías, basadas en principios matemáticos diferentes: la de la relatividad y la cuántica. Combining them would be the greatest achievement of science, a profound fusion of all the forces of nature into a beautiful and magnificent equation that would allow us to understand the deepest mysteries of the universe: what happened before the Big Bang? What lies on the other side of a black hole? Are there other universes and dimensions? Is time travel possible?
With that goal in mind, and with his well-known ability to disseminate complex concepts in an accessible and engaging language, Michio Kaku reviews the history of physics until reaching the current debates around the search for that unifying theory, the equation of God. A captivating and masterfully told story, in which what is at stake is nothing less than our conception of the universe.
Critics have said: If there is someone capable of demystifying esoteric mathematics and the physics of string theory, it is Kaku. And that's precisely what he does in this wonderful little book, which prepares readers for the next big breakthrough. - The Wall Street Journal.
This book captures the fascinating and mysterious beauty of the universe, of our planet, and of ourselves, and will captivate anyone who reflects on our existence. - Booklist.
Dazzling. Kaku's ability to make difficult-to-conceive concepts intelligible makes this book a true intellectual revelation. - Publishers Weekly.
Compelling and accessible. - Nature.
Kaku writes in a clear and concise language. An accessible and attractive story of a complex scientific quest. - Smithsonian Review.